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Nicholas Britell

Nicholas Britell

Letras de Nicholas Britell

  1. A Great Tribute / She's Here
  2. Arrival At The Hangar
  3. BASH Corporate Ident - "Liif"
  4. C-5 Galaxy
  5. Call me Cruella (Instrumental Version)
  6. Cruella - Disney Castle Logo
  7. Discovery
  8. Don't Look Up - End Credits Suite
  9. Don't Look Up - Main Title Theme
  10. Ephemeris
  11. Everything's Going So Well
  12. Get It Open / Moths
  13. Goodbye, Estella
  14. Hyperobject Approaches
  15. I Like to Make an Impact
  16. I Think You're Something
  17. I'm Cruella
  18. It All Comes Down To This
  19. It's A Strange Glorious World
  20. Kate Goes Home
  21. Memento Mori
  22. My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me
  23. Oh, That's a Hybrid
  24. Oh, That's Why You're Peeved
  25. On Hold
  26. Orchestral Waltz
  27. Putting the Dresses in the Safe
  28. Red Hair Dye
  29. Revenge / Let's Begin
  30. She Jumped!
  31. Surveillance
  32. Thanksgiving (Overture To Logic And Knowledge)
  33. The Angle
  34. The Arrest
  35. The Baroness Needs Looks
  36. The Baroque Ball
  37. The BASH Launch
  38. The BASH Presentation
  39. The Call
  40. The Cliff
  41. The Comet Appears
  42. The Drive to London
  43. The End?
  44. The Launch
  45. The Most Dreadful Accident
  46. The Necklace
  47. The Prayer For Stuff
  48. The True Story of Cruella's Birth
  49. There Is A Comet
  50. Twenty-Four Drones Is Enough